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What if you could feel empowered to communicate with greater ease, harmony and presence? 

What if you could listen and hear yourself and others clearly? 


Imagine heartful, honest, empowering communication that increases connection, love and joy in your relationships! 

Transformational Workshops

Care Connection Communcation

Care, Connection & Communication Workshop

  • Learn and apply practical ways to be centered, present and communicate effectively. 

  • Have a chance to share, be heard and receive support.

  • Discover new empowering languaging that honors everyone.

  •  Heal past triggers, finding new ways to navigate chunky moments.

  • Increase your heart connection and confidence.

  • Connect with and honour what you desire & require.

  • Deepen your ability to listen to your Self and others peacefully.

  • Reclaim your true authentic voice and self expression.

  • Learn to relax and increase connection through communication.

Dates for 2019 workshops coming soon!


New Year

New Year! New Life! New You!

Manifest Your Hearts Desires and Intentions successfully in 2019!

Dance & Breathe the Divine Breath of Life into your Creation!


  • Sacred Ceremony

  • Conscious Designing & Journaling

  • Trance Dance Journey

  • Rebirthing Breath Journey

  • Shamanic Journey Yoga

  • Shamanic manifesting Breath & Movement

  • Art, Visualization & Meditation

  • A graceful immersion into You to weave your most fulfilling 2019 into creation with clarity from the inside out!


Saturday 19 January 2019 Brisbane



Sunday 27 January Mullumbimby

Couple Celebration

Couples Intimacy & Celebration Workshop

Are you ready for change in your relationship?


Are you calling for more intimacy, connection and passion?


Do you desire greater listening, harmony and love in your communications? 



Then journey with me in my couples LifeShift Healing & Coaching sessions and the Couples Intimacy & Celebration workshop. 


Phone sessions are always available.

Use the registration form in the footer, or click here to register for your initial consultation.


Workshops offered regularly. Dates to come.


Shamanic Journey Yoga

A Profound, Loving, & Healing Yoga Journey


In a shamanic way, we travel our consciousness, focus and heart energy into our body temples and nature, shifting our cellular structure. We pour love, gratitude and care consciously to areas of our body that we are opening. We listen deeply and increase our ability to truly hear on many levels. Emotional experiences and blocked energy stored in the body become released with deep breathing and this shamanic awareness traveling practice. Our body and whole being relaxes and opens into greater peace, life force, expansion and  freedom. 


Shamanic Journey Yoga is powerful for increasing concentration, reclaiming the power of our minds and hearts, stress release, rejuvenation and alignment. Shamanic Journey Yoga is like giving yourself a loving, healing massage! You feel open, energized, clear and ready for life! 

2019 dates to come!

Trance Dance

Trance Dance &

Breath Journey

A blind folded journey into YOU!



In this magical space with powerful music we will journey deep into our hearts, bodies and consciousness to free the blockages and limitations, moving into a new place of confidence, connection, freedom and joy.


Through Sacred Circle we will create our safe space, connection, synergy and intention for our Blind Folded Trance Dance and Life Shift Breathwork Journey. Now is the time to strengthen our inner peace, harmony and Inner Knowing. It’s time to LIVE the Life we have been dying to live. Come, free yourself from the old and step into the fullness of who you truly are!


If possible: please bring water, yoga mat, blanket, blindfold.



2019 workshop dates will be listed here soon!

Rite of Passage Bodywork 

Couples Intimacy

Lifeshift Shamanic 
& Coaching

Divine Intervention Treatments


Training + Retreat Highlights

Rite of Passage Bodywork Trainings

Lomilomi haloa

inspire, develop and harness your inner Healer * 3 part course

Rite of Passage Bodywork Trainings

Lomilomi haloa

5-Day shamanic journey:

ceremony,Dance,Breath Bodywork

Newsletters from 'Iolani Grace

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Gift Consultation
Book a FREE 20-30 minute consultation with 'Iolani Grace, The Heart Alchemist

Thank you! Your message sent. I can't wait to dive in!

'Iolani Grace, The Heart Alchemist, is available for International and local connections & collaborations.

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Available Virtually
+61 447 440 298


Living and serving in-person in Australia

Brisbane, QLD

Byron Shire, NSW

Gold Coast, QLD

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