I'd love to know how you go and I am happy to answer any questions! Much Love, 'care and Self Love is a beautiful journey of centering and connection. We are then able to be more present and life becomes richer from the inside out!
Do you find yourself putting the doing, the outer world demands first? Are you last on your list?
Do you find yourself being grumpy, reactive, scattered and out of breath?
It can happen to all of us at times.
Here's a few tips to help with Self Care and Self Love:
1. Before getting out of bed: Place your hands on your heart, take full slow deep breaths and focus on your gratitude for your life, pouring your love into your own heart. Make it personal and explore building your relationship with you. (If you like you can also acknowledge Creator, Source within you, in all nature and holding us in this Infinite Universe. What ever this is for you.)
2. Say yes to life three times! Do it as many times throughout the day as possible! This goes a long way!
"I say yes to life. I say yes to life! I say yes to life and life says yes to me! In all its grace, love and beauty."
3. State that you choose to live from the inside out not the outside in. Connect within your breath and heart throughout the day. Re-affirm, " I choose to live from the inside out!
4. Get your bare feet on the earth 15/20 minutes every day and longer if you can! repeat the above 1-3. Add pouring your love and gratitude to our Mother Earth, the kingdoms and elements. Everyone and everything responds positively to love, acknowledgement, gratitude and appreciation.
5. At night repeat 1 and add all that you are grateful for in the day. Reflect and note any adjustments you would like to make in yourself to become more of the being you desire to be.
Love and thank yourself. Acknowledge 3 things you love about yourself! Dream with the Angels!
I'd love to know how you go and I am happy to answer any questions! Much Love, 'iolani grace
Next blog we will continue on living a balanced life!
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